Thanks to our motivated, enthusiastic and ambitious 8-person team with a total of 195 (!) years of experience, we are able to deliver perfect shapes in a minimum of time. Let us introduce our team:

Oswald De Sloovere
General Director

Bart has been a director since 2002. He takes care of everything from A to Z and helps where necessary. You can also always contact him for accounting questions.
Bart De Sloovere

Bart has 12 years of experience as a diemaker and 17 years as a technical draftsman. The background and experience as a die builder is unique and extremely beneficial for the preparatory work in the CAD department.
Bart Brandse
Technical designer

Pauline is a master at designing new packaging. Customers can always contact her for all kinds of design challenges. She is also responsible for logistics and quotations.
Pauline Viaene
Technical designer/Sales

Jakub is our youngest member and is responsible for both installation and rubberisation. He also likes to assist in the CAD department.
Jakub Kempara

Gunther is mainly responsible for the assembly, but is also responsible for rubberizing the dies and preparing the packages that have to be shipped with DHL. He already has 36 (!) years of experience as a diemaker.
Gunther Kinoo

Jacques is our newest man who is responsible for the installation. He already has 35 (!) years of experience as a diemaker. He is also specialized in making dies with high steel.
Jacques Phrakornkham

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